
Tawny Owls Class is our Reception and Year 1 and 2 class. Their classroom is a purpose built classroom which is detached from the main school and has a wonderful outside area enabling the children to access Continuous Provision in a stimulating learning environment.

Mr Hoskins and Mrs Kemp are the Tawny Owls Class Teachers, supported by Mrs Hanson, Miss Blanchard-Smith, Miss Haycox, Miss Brown and Mrs Edwards. The children have challenges to complete each day which are linked to their topic, English or Mathematics work. The children are taught phonics through the ‘Little Wandle’ scheme.

For further information please click here

In the afternoon our learning continues with Topic followed with challenges. Within the class there is a Floor Book containing photos of work and tasks which highlights work completed beyond English, maths and topic. The children are more than happy to share their learning with visitors!

Brisley Tawny Owls KO Spring 2024